In the world of boating, Captain Jarrod Walck stands out as an advocate for responsible and eco-friendly choices. When he approached Armus Marine at a boat show, he had a clear mission in mind: to protect his 43' Jupiter without compromising the environment.
After seeing an application of Hull Pro on a tender at National Marine Suppliers in August of 2022, Capt. Jarrod started immediately engaging with the Armus team to see if we could solve his cleaning problems.
The Captain has used every method available to no avail to clean his vessels. Typically, he would need to dive his boat once a week to ensure no fouling would adhere to his gelcoat. Traditional anti-fouling paints were not an option for Capt. Jarrod, and he knew that other epoxy coatings on the market fell short in durability. Discover how Capt. Walck found the ideal solution in Hull Pro and why it's making waves in the industry.